Camp NaNoWriMo

Tips for after a first draft is written.

Janine Cross will be discussing all the “after it’s written” steps: editing, revising, work-shopping, publishing etc.

Hosted by Capilano Library:
3045 Highland Blvd, North Vancouver, BC
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Presentation & Panel Discussion – Creative Ink Festival

Creative Ink Festival, March 29 to 31, 2019, Delta Hotel, Burnaby

Ten Steps to Selling Your Manuscript
Presentation with Janine Cross and Linda DeMeulemeester

You’ve written the story; now what? In this workshop, learn ten crucial steps on how to get an agent/editor hooked by your manuscript. Participants will learn tips for how to make their manuscript shine above the slush-pile, avoid common editing mistakes, write a solid query & synopsis, and find a genre-perfect agent.

Between Floors: What is an Elevator Pitch, and How Do You Create One?
Panel Discussion: Kelley Armstrong, Janine Cross, Stacey Kondla, Dean Wells

Work-shop on how to compress thousands of words of plot and character into a one-to-three sentence hook that will catch a publisher or agent.

GA Peruvian Style

Article Published – COPA Flight Magazine (Journal of the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association)

An article about experiencing the stark beauty and colossal challenges of general aviation flight in Lima, Peru … and the thriving pilot community that exists despite the mountains of restrictions and aviation bureaucracy.