Writers’ Café – From Conception to Completion: The Process of Writing

Panel sponsored by the North Shore Writers’ Association
Saturday, April 29, 12:30pm-1:45pm

How do writers transform the spark of a great idea into a finished work? There’s a surprising variety of practices and habits that work (and some that don’t). Three panellists from the North Shore Writers’ Association will share their process, including how they generate ideas, form writerly habits, and revise toward completion. The panel will also take questions from the floor.

Key-Note Speaker – North Shore Authors Collection Celebration

North Van City Library, November 17, 2022 7pm

I’ve been invited to give the opening speech for the NS Authors Collection, a showcase of works by the gifted writers in our midst. The North Shore Authors Collection, displayed at North Vancouver City Library, North Vancouver District Public Library, and West Vancouver Memorial Library, inspires, supports, and celebrates the literary talent of North Shore authors.

In-Person Presentation – Pacific Northwest Writer’s Conference

I’m excited to be presenting at the Pacific Northwest Writer’s Conference, September 23-25, 2022 at the Hyatt Regency Lake in Renton, Washington!

I’ll be teaching a workshop Friday Sept. 23rd on How to Create a Synopsis Without Losing Your Mind, and also be on a panel called World Building for All Genres.

On Saturday Sept. 24th my workshop is on Killing the Boundaries: Exploring the basic concepts, approaches, and differences in speculative fiction, how labels have accreted different meanings over time, and tips to creating a compelling, dynamic label for your work.