Interested in signing up for one of my workshops, or having me teach at your next conference or writing event? As a founding member and past president of Vancouver’s North Shore Writers Association, (still very successful after 25 years) I’ve taught workshops at numerous writing festivals, conferences, and club meetings.
I combine my knowledge of the writing industry with my experience teaching self-empowerment workshops as an Airtime Canada private pilot to deliver practical, positive workshops customized to fit your time constraints.
If you are interested in one of these courses, please email me for details:
How to Find and Query a Literary Agent

The sole purpose of a query letter is to persuade an agent to request your work, with the goal of selling your manuscript to a publisher. Using multiple examples of successful query letters, this class focuses on how to craft a compelling pitch-line and a powerful query, while de-mystifying the process of obtaining an agent. Tips for what to expect during a live pitch session will be discussed, along with a list of venues where agent interviews can be scheduled. Participants are invited to submit a sample query letter for feedback from me at any time following the class.
Creating a Synopsis without Losing Your Mind

Condensing a complex, exciting, and nuanced novel into a short summary can seem like a monumental task. Yet agents and editors often ask for a synopsis, to decide if they should request a complete manuscript. Despite how much we dread writing one, a synopsis is a powerful tool that reveals any plot flaws, structural weaknesses, and gaps in character motivation in our stories. This class provides a step-by-step process for how to craft a succinct, dynamic synopsis and avoid common mistakes. Participants are invited to submit a sample synopsis for feedback from me at any time following the class.
10 Steps to Selling your Manuscript

You’ve written the story; now what? In this workshop, learn ten crucial steps on how to get an agent or editor hooked by your manuscript. Participants will learn tips for how to make their manuscript shine above the slush-pile, avoid common editing mistakes, write a solid query & synopsis, and find a genre-perfect agent.